Euphoria was left at an LA county animal shelter in February 2010 by his previous owner, who claimed that Euphoria had bitten him badly while taking food away from the dog. Since we had no way of knowing if there really was a problem, we wanted to give him a chance, and so GRCGLARescue bailed him out. After a few days at a boarding kennel, Euphoria had settled in enough to be evaluated, although we were already notified by the kennel proprietor that he growled and threatened over food when it was brought in to him.
The actual food bowl test confirmed that Euphoria was serious about keeping people away from his food. Although we didn't push him to the point of biting, it was clear that was inevitable if we forced the issue. He did, however, allow us to take away rawhides, toys, balls and other objects, and was otherwise friendly with the volunteers who handled him. While Euphoria's behavior was not acceptable, it was also clear that this was the kind of dog who, if trained properly, stood a good chance of improving enough to be placed successfully.
To get an idea of what Euphoria's behavior was like around food, please check our this video by Dr. Sophia Yin, "Ben Guards The Food Bowl" found here:
Euphoria's behavior was very similar to Ben's.
We knew if Euphoria had a caring, committed and skilled foster family who was willing to work with him, we could pair them with a behavioral trainer who could help them do the required behavior modification to help Euphoria get past his problem. However, after searching for several months, we were not successful in locating a family with the right set of skills in the right circumstances where Euphoria could go and be safe. As with Ben, things were looking a bit bleak for Euphoria.
We were running out of opportunities and time, so we contacted our friends at Wags and Wiggles, a dog daycare and training facility owned by a skilled behavior consultatnt and staffed by certified dog trainers; they only used the most modern and humane training methods, and had already helped us with a few other dogs with great success. After reviewing Euphoria's case information, they acknowledged that it would be a tough job, but they were willing to give it a try. Euphoria went off to start the "Ruff Love" program in early November, and we waited with cautious optimism.
Much to our relief, Euphoria responded to his behavior modification program beautifully, and after six weeks, he was able to tolerate his trainers managing his food bowl and other valuable objects, as you can see here:
The training that Euphoria received had improved his behavior enough that finding a foster home for him was a much easier task, and before long, Janet, one of our fosters, was identified as being a great opportunity for continuing Euphoria's transition training, in hopes that he could be made ready for adoption.
Two weeks later, Janet came to work with the folks at W&W to learn about Euphoria's training and what she had to do to help him transition to a normal life. We recorded some of the training exercises Janet learned that day:
Under Janet's fostership and care, Euphoria is making continual improvement towards being adopted. He's a golden that seeks out affection and a trusting relationship with humans.
Update from Unbreakable
Unbreakable (now known as Mick), a graduate of our Hope For A Better Life Program™ has moved with his adopters to a new house. For a dog that came to us with constant anxiety and fear, it's hard to believe this is him looking so relaxed. Thanks to Hope and the team at Wags & Wiggles in Rancho Santa's nice to see the fruit of their efforts several months later.
Note from his adopter:
I have attached a few pictures of Mick. There are a couple of dogs behind us, so that's why he is looking toward the wall in the backyard picture. We had our kitchen cabinets, etc. removed today to make way for a new kitchen. Tom was disconnecting the sink this morning, and greatly appreciated the help of his very able assistant. I have a feeling that Mick will go to bed early tonight since he was so busy today!
Note from his adopter:
I have attached a few pictures of Mick. There are a couple of dogs behind us, so that's why he is looking toward the wall in the backyard picture. We had our kitchen cabinets, etc. removed today to make way for a new kitchen. Tom was disconnecting the sink this morning, and greatly appreciated the help of his very able assistant. I have a feeling that Mick will go to bed early tonight since he was so busy today!
Dog Training and the Myth of Alpha-Male Dominance
By Jeninne Lee-St. John Friday, Jul. 30, 2010
Dogs are descended from wolves. Wolves live in hierarchical packs in which the aggressive alpha male rules over everyone else. Therefore, humans need to dominate their pet dogs to get them to behave.
This logic has dominated the canine-rearing conversation for more than five years, thanks mostly to National Geographic's award-winning show, Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan.
But many experts say Millan's philosophy is based on now-debunked animal studies and that some of his techniques — most famously the alpha roll, in which he pins a dog on its back and holds it by the throat — are downright cruel. Rival trainer Victoria Stilwell has launched a competitive assault on Dog Whisperer by starring on Animal Planet's It's Me or the Dog and by spreading her system of positive-reinforcement training virtually and with troops on the ground: this June she launched a podcast (available on and iTunes) and franchised her methods to a first batch of 20 dog trainers in the U.S., the U.K., Italy and Greece. She uses positivity as a counterpoint to dominance theory and reserves her aggression for the poorly behaving humans.
The debate has its roots in 1940s studies of captive wolves gathered from various places that, when forced to live together, naturally competed for status. Acclaimed animal behaviorist Rudolph Schenkel dubbed the male and female who won out the alpha pair. As it turns out, this research was based on a faulty premise: wolves in the wild, says L. David Mech, founder of the Minnesota-based International Wolf Center, actually live in nuclear families, not randomly assembled units, in which the mother and father are the pack leaders and their offspring's status is based on birth order. Mech, who used to ascribe to alpha-wolf theory but has reversed course in recent years, says the pack's hierarchy does not involve anyone fighting to the top of the group, because just like in a human family, the youngsters naturally follow their parents' lead.
Says Bonnie Beaver, former president of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA): "We are on record as opposing some of the things Cesar Millan does because they're wrong." Likewise, the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) issued a position statement last year arguing against the aggressive-submissive dichotomy.
It is leadership by showing a good example, not dominance, that AVSAB says owners should strive for in relation to their dogs. The organization's statement, which does not explicitly name Millan but references his terminology and some of his controversial techniques, argues that dominant-submissive relationships that do occur in nature are a means to allocate resources — a problem that rarely exists between dogs and their owners. (Nor even, AVSAB notes, among feral dogs, which live in small, scavenging groups without alphas controlling access to food and mates.) House pets, on the contrary, bark too much, jump up on you, ignore your commands, growl and nip at you because they have been inadvertently rewarded for this behavior or because they have not been trained to act differently.
To be sure, Millan's approach to retraining is sometimes warm and fuzzy, and he has much common ground with positive-reinforcement trainers like Stilwell. Both trainers strive — as much as possible with a nonspeaking animal — to determine the psychological cause of a pup's misbehavior. Both encourage people to ignore dogs' annoying habits so as not to accidentally reward them with attention. Both agree that punishment is only effective during or within half a second after the offending behavior: yell at Butch for peeing in your kitchen after he's already walked away, and Butch will think he's in trouble for walking away. Both trainers obviously love animals.
But, AVSAB says, calling a dog's behavior aggressive, as Millan often does, should be reserved for the most violent animals, and some critics even dislike the quick smacks on the flank he gives to focus a dog's attention. "Discipline doesn't come in the form of screaming at your dog, hitting your dog or putting it into an alpha roll," says Stilwell. "When you do that, instinct tells the dog to shut down, which is mistaken for calming, but really you're making the dog more insecure."
Such insecurity can have unintended consequences. For one thing, rather than submit, your pets might lash out at you. "They may react with aggression, not because they are trying to be dominant but because the human threatening them makes them afraid," AVSAB says. For another, even if a dog looks subdued, you don't know what's going on inside. "Fear increases cortisol," says AVMA's Beaver, a professor at Texas A&M's College of Veterinary Medicine. "Long-term fear increases it significantly and can lead to long-term health problems associated with stress" — a point that Stilwell, in her melodious British accent, likes to point out to her clients on TV.
Take the example of Atlanta couple Louie Newman and Judy Griffin, who already had two Lhasa apsos when they adopted a rescue poodle named Manny. Not only did Manny pick fights with the other dogs, he also would attack Newman whenever he went near his wife or even tried to hand her the remote control. Newman and Griffin thought Manny wanted to control everyone, but Stilwell told them he was just trying to figure out his status in the household. "She said he was always tense. He didn't ever blink. I would've never thought to check if my dog blinked," says Newman, a recording executive in Nashville, who learned to relax when approaching Manny and to court him with treats. "He was really insecure. Who would have thought that? He acted like he owned the house."
Of course, letting Manny's whims rule the roost was one of the couple's big mistakes. The question is to what extent they, or any dog owner, should put him in his place. With Stilwell gearing up for her third American TV season and Millan in the middle of his sixth, the answer may be a lot simpler and less dramatic than producers would have us think. "All I have to be is one position higher than that dog," says Beaver. "I raise him to see me as a leader. Not an alpha, a leader."
Read more:,8599,2007250,00.html?xid=rss-topstories#ixzz0vDypf3Lr
Evan Kafka / Getty Images |
This logic has dominated the canine-rearing conversation for more than five years, thanks mostly to National Geographic's award-winning show, Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan.
But many experts say Millan's philosophy is based on now-debunked animal studies and that some of his techniques — most famously the alpha roll, in which he pins a dog on its back and holds it by the throat — are downright cruel. Rival trainer Victoria Stilwell has launched a competitive assault on Dog Whisperer by starring on Animal Planet's It's Me or the Dog and by spreading her system of positive-reinforcement training virtually and with troops on the ground: this June she launched a podcast (available on and iTunes) and franchised her methods to a first batch of 20 dog trainers in the U.S., the U.K., Italy and Greece. She uses positivity as a counterpoint to dominance theory and reserves her aggression for the poorly behaving humans.
The debate has its roots in 1940s studies of captive wolves gathered from various places that, when forced to live together, naturally competed for status. Acclaimed animal behaviorist Rudolph Schenkel dubbed the male and female who won out the alpha pair. As it turns out, this research was based on a faulty premise: wolves in the wild, says L. David Mech, founder of the Minnesota-based International Wolf Center, actually live in nuclear families, not randomly assembled units, in which the mother and father are the pack leaders and their offspring's status is based on birth order. Mech, who used to ascribe to alpha-wolf theory but has reversed course in recent years, says the pack's hierarchy does not involve anyone fighting to the top of the group, because just like in a human family, the youngsters naturally follow their parents' lead.
Says Bonnie Beaver, former president of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA): "We are on record as opposing some of the things Cesar Millan does because they're wrong." Likewise, the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) issued a position statement last year arguing against the aggressive-submissive dichotomy.
It is leadership by showing a good example, not dominance, that AVSAB says owners should strive for in relation to their dogs. The organization's statement, which does not explicitly name Millan but references his terminology and some of his controversial techniques, argues that dominant-submissive relationships that do occur in nature are a means to allocate resources — a problem that rarely exists between dogs and their owners. (Nor even, AVSAB notes, among feral dogs, which live in small, scavenging groups without alphas controlling access to food and mates.) House pets, on the contrary, bark too much, jump up on you, ignore your commands, growl and nip at you because they have been inadvertently rewarded for this behavior or because they have not been trained to act differently.
To be sure, Millan's approach to retraining is sometimes warm and fuzzy, and he has much common ground with positive-reinforcement trainers like Stilwell. Both trainers strive — as much as possible with a nonspeaking animal — to determine the psychological cause of a pup's misbehavior. Both encourage people to ignore dogs' annoying habits so as not to accidentally reward them with attention. Both agree that punishment is only effective during or within half a second after the offending behavior: yell at Butch for peeing in your kitchen after he's already walked away, and Butch will think he's in trouble for walking away. Both trainers obviously love animals.
But, AVSAB says, calling a dog's behavior aggressive, as Millan often does, should be reserved for the most violent animals, and some critics even dislike the quick smacks on the flank he gives to focus a dog's attention. "Discipline doesn't come in the form of screaming at your dog, hitting your dog or putting it into an alpha roll," says Stilwell. "When you do that, instinct tells the dog to shut down, which is mistaken for calming, but really you're making the dog more insecure."
Such insecurity can have unintended consequences. For one thing, rather than submit, your pets might lash out at you. "They may react with aggression, not because they are trying to be dominant but because the human threatening them makes them afraid," AVSAB says. For another, even if a dog looks subdued, you don't know what's going on inside. "Fear increases cortisol," says AVMA's Beaver, a professor at Texas A&M's College of Veterinary Medicine. "Long-term fear increases it significantly and can lead to long-term health problems associated with stress" — a point that Stilwell, in her melodious British accent, likes to point out to her clients on TV.
Take the example of Atlanta couple Louie Newman and Judy Griffin, who already had two Lhasa apsos when they adopted a rescue poodle named Manny. Not only did Manny pick fights with the other dogs, he also would attack Newman whenever he went near his wife or even tried to hand her the remote control. Newman and Griffin thought Manny wanted to control everyone, but Stilwell told them he was just trying to figure out his status in the household. "She said he was always tense. He didn't ever blink. I would've never thought to check if my dog blinked," says Newman, a recording executive in Nashville, who learned to relax when approaching Manny and to court him with treats. "He was really insecure. Who would have thought that? He acted like he owned the house."
Of course, letting Manny's whims rule the roost was one of the couple's big mistakes. The question is to what extent they, or any dog owner, should put him in his place. With Stilwell gearing up for her third American TV season and Millan in the middle of his sixth, the answer may be a lot simpler and less dramatic than producers would have us think. "All I have to be is one position higher than that dog," says Beaver. "I raise him to see me as a leader. Not an alpha, a leader."
Read more:,8599,2007250,00.html?xid=rss-topstories#ixzz0vDypf3Lr
Selecting a Dog Trainer or Behavior Specialist
Your education and understanding of what to consider can make all the difference in the life and well-being of your dog
If you needed a plumber, you'd want to ensure he was qualified to work in your home. So when it comes to your family companion dog, you want to take as much care in selecting a trainer or behavior specialist. Here are a few steps to follow to identify qualified help:
* Ask how the trainer learned his trade, or how the consultant learned about animal behavior. There are many excellent academic programs for dog trainers these days (a partial list can be found at A behavior specialist's education may include accredited university coursework, seminars, extensive reading, writing, working under a mentor, independent study and hands-on experience working with animals.
* Research the person's credentials. Are they a member of a reputable professional organization, such as the Association of Pet Dog Trainers or the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants? Look for trainers who have achieved a credential from an independent certification organization (such as the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers), as opposed to one awarded by a dog training school. Look for behavior specialists who have achieved and independent certification credential such as CAAB or CDBC.
* Find out how the trainer or behavior specialist stays current in their field. A qualified individual is concerned about continuing education, and takes courses, attends conferences, reads literature and participates in online dialogues with colleagues so they always know the latest information.
* Notice how the trainer/behavior specialist relates to you. Is he or she friendly and respectful? Do you feel comfortable discussing information about your dog with this person? A qualified individual meets high ethical standards and will not blame you for your animal's behavior problem. While owners may inadvertently do things that create or worsen their animals' behavior problems, there are many other reasons that animals develop behavior problems.
* Learn about the trainer/behavior specialist's approach to modifying the dog's behavior. Qualified professionals use the gentlest techniques that will effectively address a behavior problem, because techniques that are unpleasant for the animal are risky and may make behavior problems even worse. Do not hesitate to ask questions before you commit to hiring anyone. And remember, qualified trainers/behavior specialists do not guarantee success! A qualified behavior specialist will do their best to help you succeed but will never guarantee an outcome. Avoid "whisperers" and anyone offering you a "quick fix".
Although the dog training and behavior field is not standardized or regulated, you can find plenty of well-qualifed and skilled professionals if you know what to look for. Check out the trainer directory at and the behavior consultant locator at
If you needed a plumber, you'd want to ensure he was qualified to work in your home. So when it comes to your family companion dog, you want to take as much care in selecting a trainer or behavior specialist. Here are a few steps to follow to identify qualified help:
* Ask how the trainer learned his trade, or how the consultant learned about animal behavior. There are many excellent academic programs for dog trainers these days (a partial list can be found at A behavior specialist's education may include accredited university coursework, seminars, extensive reading, writing, working under a mentor, independent study and hands-on experience working with animals.
* Research the person's credentials. Are they a member of a reputable professional organization, such as the Association of Pet Dog Trainers or the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants? Look for trainers who have achieved a credential from an independent certification organization (such as the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers), as opposed to one awarded by a dog training school. Look for behavior specialists who have achieved and independent certification credential such as CAAB or CDBC.
* Find out how the trainer or behavior specialist stays current in their field. A qualified individual is concerned about continuing education, and takes courses, attends conferences, reads literature and participates in online dialogues with colleagues so they always know the latest information.
* Notice how the trainer/behavior specialist relates to you. Is he or she friendly and respectful? Do you feel comfortable discussing information about your dog with this person? A qualified individual meets high ethical standards and will not blame you for your animal's behavior problem. While owners may inadvertently do things that create or worsen their animals' behavior problems, there are many other reasons that animals develop behavior problems.
* Learn about the trainer/behavior specialist's approach to modifying the dog's behavior. Qualified professionals use the gentlest techniques that will effectively address a behavior problem, because techniques that are unpleasant for the animal are risky and may make behavior problems even worse. Do not hesitate to ask questions before you commit to hiring anyone. And remember, qualified trainers/behavior specialists do not guarantee success! A qualified behavior specialist will do their best to help you succeed but will never guarantee an outcome. Avoid "whisperers" and anyone offering you a "quick fix".
Although the dog training and behavior field is not standardized or regulated, you can find plenty of well-qualifed and skilled professionals if you know what to look for. Check out the trainer directory at and the behavior consultant locator at
Humane Society Asked To Stop Euthanasia
Lawmakers To Hold Press Conference Wednesday
POSTED: 2:26 pm EDT June 16, 2010
UPDATED: 5:51 pm EDT June 16, 2010
HARTFORD, Conn. -- Two state lawmakers are calling on the Connecticut Humane Society to stop euthanizing animals because of behavioral problems.
Democratic state Reps. Diana Urban of North Stonington and Annie Hornish of Granby scheduled a news conference Wednesday in Hartford to call for a moratorium on behavioral euthanasia at the organization.
The lawmakers also planned to talk about preliminary findings by the state attorney general's office in its probe of the Humane Society.
Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said in March that the Humane Society has failed to spend most of its money for its central purpose of helping animals and sometimes euthanized animals instead of treating them.
A Humane Society spokeswoman didn't immediately return messages Wednesday.
Related video:
POSTED: 2:26 pm EDT June 16, 2010
UPDATED: 5:51 pm EDT June 16, 2010
HARTFORD, Conn. -- Two state lawmakers are calling on the Connecticut Humane Society to stop euthanizing animals because of behavioral problems.
Democratic state Reps. Diana Urban of North Stonington and Annie Hornish of Granby scheduled a news conference Wednesday in Hartford to call for a moratorium on behavioral euthanasia at the organization.
The lawmakers also planned to talk about preliminary findings by the state attorney general's office in its probe of the Humane Society.
Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said in March that the Humane Society has failed to spend most of its money for its central purpose of helping animals and sometimes euthanized animals instead of treating them.
A Humane Society spokeswoman didn't immediately return messages Wednesday.
Related video:
Donor offers matching gift challenge
An anonymous donor has offered a matching gift challenge! For every dollar pledged to Team Bethany's Run For My Life 2010 Long Beach Marathon, a matching dollar will help our behaviorally challenged Goldens.
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