Unbreakable (now known as Mick), a graduate of our Hope For A Better Life Program™ has moved with his adopters to a new house. For a dog that came to us with constant anxiety and fear, it's hard to believe this is him looking so relaxed. Thanks to Hope and the team at Wags & Wiggles in Rancho Santa Margarita...it's nice to see the fruit of their efforts several months later.
Note from his adopter:
I have attached a few pictures of Mick. There are a couple of dogs behind us, so that's why he is looking toward the wall in the backyard picture. We had our kitchen cabinets, etc. removed today to make way for a new kitchen. Tom was disconnecting the sink this morning, and greatly appreciated the help of his very able assistant. I have a feeling that Mick will go to bed early tonight since he was so busy today!